Wednesday, August 22, 2007

20 week ultrasound

Okay to the left here you will see our beautiful close up of our baby. The actual size of our baby is 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 inches. Below you can see my little bump that is covered with my tank.

Here below you see my tummy exposed. Here next to my exposed tummy you will see a great picture of the baby's foot. The baby was kicking and trying to get away from the ultrasound machine.

Here below to the left you can see a lovely picture of our baby's arm. The baby kept putting it's hand up and opening and closing it. Then the baby would cover it's face while we were trying to get a picture of the it's face. Below you can see another lovely side view of our baby.

The 20 week visit was a complete success. We met with Dr. Johnson and she was very informative. Baby Hedges is measuring exactly where he/she should be. I am measuring at 20.9 weeks so my due date will be on or off by 4 - 5 days. The baby's heartbeat was 155 which is right in the middle so it can still remain quite a mystery as to the sex of the baby. :) I gained 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks and the doctor says that is great. I am feeling fantastic! Okay I just wanted to share how I am doing and the little miracle is doing inside of me.
Now I have to fill you in on how the rest of my family is doing. Todd is doing really well and looking forward to things getting much busier at work. He is also so excited because we finally got our cable reconnected so we now have more than 3 channels! The dogs are doing great and they are behaving so well now that I am back at work all day long. In the next month we will be cleaning out the spare bedroom (future nursery) so that we can have Jeff come in and paint it in October hopefully. Well that is all the news so far in the Hedges family! We will talk with you all next month.


Anke said...

Hey Amy!

I didn't know you were pregnant! That's great news! You and Todd are going to be terrific parents! Isn't it strange? It has been over a year since I was staying with you....and so much has changed for you two! I am so happy for you both....take care, especially of the little one :)

lots of love from Germany!

Debbie said...

Amy and Todd-
Such a cute little thing! I think he/she looks like Amy, Todd! Notice he lack of nose! (-;
'grandma Debbie'

Cuzzin' Dave said...

That baby looks just like Todder!!