Saturday, July 19, 2008

6 months old!!!

This lion was so neat and it's head was huge. Of course after we left this area he started growling and you could hear it through the whole park.
She just woke up from her nap and was trying to figure out where in the world she was.
She really liked the aquarium part because she could actually get pretty close to the animals.
Daddy was feeding her sitting up so she wouldn't miss any of the action.
This is one of our favorite poses that she had from her 6 month photo shoot.

We like her mouth and toes in this picture.
As it turns out she is actually quite a ham in front of the camera.
"Who me?!"
Daddy and I before my baby dedication ceremony.
My grandma Hedges came out for my dedication.

Uncle Ben , Aunt Lindsay and Grandma Hedges trying to decide which pictures they want.
We had two full tables of family for my special day. (Uncle Brian, Cousin Caroline, Jody, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Steve and Aunt Becky is holding me)
Uncle Steve, Aunt Becky with me and Cousin Kyle.
Papaw got me to fall asleep pretty easy. Uncle Jeff is in the background.
Grandma Hedges does such a nice job of feeding me.

Caroline loves to hold me and Kyle even agreed to be in the picture.
Aunt Becky why are you kissing my feet. You are sooo silly.
Uncle Steve introduced me to balloons now I always want to grab them when I see one!
Uncle Jeff always gives me good kisses and hugs when I see him.
Mommy liked this picture so much she put it in twice! Ooops!

Daddy with cousin Caroline and a sleepy me!
Cousin Kyle was a little nervous to hold me.
Mommy and I had to get a picture together. I am soo tired though! It was a long day. Thanks Uncle Josh for getting me an outfit for my special day. Everyone loved it!
Mommy and Daddy are looking at a possible new house for us so Papaw is holding me. Hey Uncle Josh look here is another one of the dresses you sent me!
I love smiling at the camera!

Well, Olivia is now 6 months old and at her visit she weighed 15 lbs. 15 oz and was 26 1/2 inches long. She is doing great and her pediatrician says she is exactly where she should be and is doing some things ahead of schedule (sitting up). :) We couldn't be prouder of our little sweetheart. I have to say being home with her these past couple of weeks has been so incredible. I love getting to watch her figure things out, making her laugh, letting her fall sleep on me when she is taking her morning nap and just being with her. She is such a joy! Last Sunday was baby day for Olivia. This is when we say to our church family and God that we are going to bring her up to know about our savior Jesus Christ with the prayer that someday she will accept Him as her Lord and Savior. It was a beautiful day and oh my goodness it was obvious how much love she has. I have attached some pictures of her special day with the family. We did go to the Cincinnati zoo also so we have some fun video of that.

Okay so I wrote this weeks ago and am just now getting around to sending the actual blog update. Now Olivia has two new teeth working their way from the top. This time though she is really going through the teething process. She is so fussy and is having a hard time sleeping. She loves her teething ring when it comes out of the fridge. She has a stuffy nose and everything with this whole process. I think that by the time this is said and done she may end up with 3 teeth coming in on the top of her mouth. Poor baby girl! Thanks Grammy for watching Olivia the other day since Mommy couldn't get anything done at school with her not feeling so well. Mommy has to go back to work in less than a week and I think she is starting to feel a little sad about it. (This is soo true!!!) We hope you enjoy the pictures and promise to send more soon.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lots of firsts!!!

"Mommy I love when Daddy plays on the floor with me!"
Papaw got me to sleep after some time with Mommy and Grammy at their garage sale. (Papaw was sleeping too!)
This is my cousin Caroline who was letting me rest on her. We were at Ben Davis at a basketball game for cousin Kyle. There was no air conditioning and I was getting very tired.
Uncle Jeff wanted to hold me, if you look closely you will see that my head is sweaty because it was so hot and stinky in there.
Grandma Hedges loves it when I come to visit her. See how much she smiles when I am sitting on her lap.
Mommy likes this picture because she caught me in the middle of saying "la la la la"!
I love when people make me laugh!
This is uncle Ben's 24th birthday! I am sucking in my lips for the occasion.
Mommy loves to take pictures of me just to catch that surprised look.
I don't look thrilled here because Mommy had been playing with her camera timer for about 10 minutes and I was over the pictures. (Sorry mom!)

I had to leave my cousin Caroline a note because I had to miss her singing.

This is my cousin Caroline singing! She is in the front row on the far right. She is so pretty!
This is my Great Aunt Togie and Great Uncle Jack who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
I fell asleep while I was being introduced to Daddy's family and listening to the great 50's music.
Mommy wanted to get her picture with me in the swing.
Daddy took me on my first slide ride.

This is the first time that I have been on a swing and I would have smiled, but I was too tired.
I finally can sit in my stroller like a big girl and see what is all around me.
I was so tired after swimming that I just went right to sleep after I put my towel on.
You can tell in my face that the water is a little cold and I am not so sure.
I think that I am going to like the pool.

Daddy even came to visit when he was on his lunch.
I was so brave to have my tummy in the water.
The sun was so bright, but Mommy helped me.
This is one of our first pictures in the water together.
Aunt Lindsay has a pool at her apartment and she let Mommy and I come out so I could try swimming for the first time.

It won't be much longer and I will not fit in my swing anymore!
I just love Lexie! Sometimes when I am squealing at her and she doesn't pay attention I start to fuss.
I love to pet Lexie and sit next to her.
Lexie is such a good girl she lets me lay on her too.
Lexie even lets me pull her tail and she just lays there! (We have the best dogs!)

I like when the dogs give me kisses! I am great at fluttering my eyes in anticipation! Bentley is kissing me here!
Grammy loves to let me touch the flowers at her house.
Grammy is walking me around before the fireworks start.
Uncle Ben makes such silly faces, but I love him!
Daddy is letting me look at what everyone is doing while at the 4th of July bash Grammy and Papaw had for Papaw's family.

Clara kept trying to get me to roll with her, but I was just trying to take it all in.
Mom is always taking pictures, but so is her friend Liz (Clara's mom).
They hadn't seen each other since were 2 months old.
Todd and Jer were feeding the girls at the same time!
Both of our sweeties fell asleep so we took it as an opportunity for a picture.

Clara was trying to get my attention.
Jer was holding Olivia and Clara side by side before they both fell asleep.
Liz wanted to hold me before I went to bed.
Grandma Hedges put me to sleep and I had to wake up so I could go home.
We wanted to show off the outfit that Grandma gave me, but I just wanted to go back to sleep.

I figured out how to sit up (well at least stay sitting up for minutes).
I'm smiling at Daddy because he can always make me laugh.

If you look closely you can see that I fell asleep while I was eating.
Daddy bought this outfit about 13 years ago and he was so excited that I could wear it!
Look at my jaws! I can not seem to bite down hard enough.
Now I just have to get it to my mouth!
Sometimes I have a hard time holding it with both hands.

Mommy hasn't taken the time to write in the blog for awhile so there are a ton of pictures and things to say. First of all in the last month I have been able to experience a lot of firsts for me. The best part is that Mommy has been home with me every day for 2 weeks and Daddy is on vacation this week so he has been home too! Now I want to tell you about some of my firsts.
I got to go to my first 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Great Aunt Togie was so touched to have people come to celebrate this with her and Great Uncle Jack was so excited to see me. He said that God blessed Mommy and Daddy with me! They both agreed. It was so great to meet all of Daddy's relatives. Grandma and Daddy were so excited to show me off.
I am finally big enough to sit in my stroller like a big girl and look out and see everything around me. Mommy and Daddy take me and the dogs for walks quite often when we have to be out of the house when someone is looking at it. By the way we are trying to sell our house so any prayers you want to say about it selling would be fantastic! Swimming was my next big venture. Mommy has been very excited to introduce me to the water although she wasn't excited to get into a swimsuit. Well, we went to Aunt Lindsay's apartment pool and it was fun. Mom lathered me with sunscreen (even in my hair) and put me in the swimsuit that Grammy bought for me. The water was so cold, but I did really well even with my tummy in the water. The only time I didn't like it was when I accidentally splashed water on my head. I slept really good that night from all of the bright sunshine and swimming. I can't wait to go again.
The new thing at home is that I am very interested in the dogs. They are so great! I try to squeal at them to get their attention, but it doesn't work. When they don't pay attention to me I start to fuss because I want them to come to me. Lexie lets me pull her tail and lay on her. Bentley loves to kiss on me, but he isn't sure about letting me pull his tail or fur so sometimes he just gets up when I start to. They are really great dogs and they love me so much. Clara Keiper came to visit me again. We haven't seen each other in almost 3 months. Clara is not even 24 hours younger than me. Her mommy and daddy brought me a cute outfit that matches Clara's. I will put it on soon and send a picture so you can all see how cute it is. It was fun to play with Clara now since we are both working on sitting up and grabbing things.
As you can see from the pictures above I can now stay in a seated position for minutes at at time. Mommy and Daddy still put pillows around me in case I tumble, but they let me practice a lot. I get kind of tired after awhile because I am still having to catch my balance a lot. I do like sitting up though because I can chew on toys so much easier. Speaking of chewing I am teething AGAIN!!!!!! I got my first 2 teeth at 4 months and I think I am trying to cut another one because I can not chew on enough things. Oh and I got introduced to Baby Orajel and I like that stuff quite a bit. I forgot to tell everyone that I got to see and hear my first fireworks. That is because I couldn't sleep in a new place (Grammy and Papaw got me a crib for their house.) Mommy and Daddy held me during the fireworks and I would get very excited in between the fireworks. Everyone thought it was so funny that I wasn't startled by the fireworks. I can't wait until next year. The last thing that Mommy is letting me practice with is a sippy cup. I really just like to chew on the sippy part for my teeth, but I am getting better about drinking water from there. Practice makes perfect they say. Well I love you all and hope to hear from some of you soon.