Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Many Blessings!!

We have so many blessings in our life. We were blessed to be able to travel to Somerset, KY to visit our friends Liz, Jer and Clara. Their home is beautiful and very warm. You guys really did a wonderful job with your house. Thank you for sharing your home and food with us. Olivia had a great time with Clara. We will have to do it again soon. Olivia is now 10 months old!

Olivia loved Clara's piano.

Liz is holding Olivia while Clara is very nicely sharing her tag blanket.

We love Clara's smile. She did so much smiling when we were visiting.

Look at these pretty girls. This was on Sunday when we got ready to leave.

Liz and Clara (so pretty)!

This was Saturday morning the first time that Clara and Olivia had seen each other in about 3 months. You can see they had a great time together.

Clara has this beautiful hair and she has so much. It was cute because it kept falling into her face.

Olivia and Clara loved to hang on their gate. Olivia was very interested in Jer while he was making food in the kitchen.

Olivia really loved these Karen Katz books. Mommy needs to get her some.

Clara's books were kept so nicely. We had to keep an eye on Olivia because she kept trying to put Clara's books in her mouth.

We are also blessed with our beautiful baby girl and our great doggies. They love our new home and the dogs love to play in our yard. I love that Olivia will learn how to walk in this house. I also love to watch Olivia explore the house and find different ways to have a great time.

This is exactly the way that Bentley and Lexie like Olivia behind glass. They are a little fearful of her when she gets excited. Look at her sweet face!

Olivia loves to kiss the reflections that she sees in the glass.

Olivia loves anything she can push around. Thanks Tallents for sharing Luke's toys. :)

Olivia loves to stand up and look out the back door when the babies go out to potty.

Olivia hopefully will learn how to walk while I am on fall break. I am blessed to have time off so that I can spend lots of time with my three babies!

Olivia has been very interested in learning to climb our stairs.

Olivia loves bath time. I love her eyes!

This is Olivia in a great mood first thing in the morning. Look at her crazy hair.

(My parents have a picture of me as a child and I think I look very similar.)

Always trying to get the camera from Mommy.

I am blessed to have a husband that is a wonderful provider, loves me like no one else can, wonderful daddy who can't get enough of his baby girl and I just love him so much.

Olivia loves to play this game with her Daddy. He pretends that he is sleeping and she taps him.

Olivia loves when Daddy chases her and she screeches as he gets her legs.

This was during my surprise party. I love this picture because Malik has Kyle in a tackle.

Look at these lovely ladies enjoying our screened in porch.

(Carol, Melissa, Linda and Jewelle)

I am blessed that I have a brother that lives states away, but you would never know it. He helped Todd plan a beautiful surprise party for me and spoils his niece to no end.

This was their last day together before Uncle Josh had to go home to New York until Christmas. :(

Olivia loves to suck on her washcloth while she is playing in the bathtub.

Notice the curls! Olivia's hair has curl to it thanks to Daddy's side of the family. It is so cute!

Grandma Hedges came over to spend Halloween at our house and help pass out candy.

I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that wanted to surprise me for my 30th birthday! This was such an amazing surprise and I love you all!!!

My face is full of surprise! I was SHOCKED! My wonderful husband and brother Josh planned a surprise 30th birthday party for me. There were over 50 people in our house. It was so wonderful to see so many family members and friends.

All of my Pearcy cousins came. How great is that even Katelyn and Mary. I love you guys!

More hugs to friends.

Hanging out on our deck. The weather could not have been more perfect.

Who would not love this beautiful bunny face?!

I am blessed to have a brother who lives in the same town and loves to play with his niece any moment he gets. I am also blessed to have a "sister" (someday sister-in-law) who treats my daughter just like her own.

Look at this cute couple! They are a little smitten with their niece.

We had to put her in her first Halloween outfit. However, it was too small, so Mommy had to stretch the hat to get it to go on her head.

This was the day that Uncle Josh was in town and Mommy didn't know and she got to spend the day with he and Grammy.

Trying to take that tight hat off.

This was our picture together on Mommy's 30th birthday.

I am blessed to have a mom and dad who love our daughter with all their heart and who have created a home for their granddaughter where she has toys and can always come over regardless of when and how long.

She is thrilled to start taking all of her toys out of Grammy's cube.

So sweet!

I love this sweet face and cheeks!

I am blessed that I work in a profession that I do get thanks every once in a while and also that I work with such fun loving people who make my job so enjoyable. This year has been another fantastic year where I get to remember why I do what I do (teach).

One of my past student's families invited us over for a thank you. Tim got to play with Olivia and she had a fun time with him.

Grandma Hedges was babysitting this night!

I am blessed that I have a mother -in-law who willingly watches not only Olivia, but our other babies when we need someone to help. She always does it with a smile too.

Look at this face! I am blessed to have a baby girl who is so healthy.
She does have a cough lately, but she has been so healthy. She was 18 lbs 3 oz and 27 1/2 inches at her 9 month doctors visit.

Daddy held her up to show her entire outfit.

Olivia was a cute little bunny. She laughed while I put on the lip liner on her nose.

I am blessed to have a Dad who worked his butt off for my family to have our dream home. He helped Todd and I fix up this dream home. I am also so blessed that Todd and I have this home that our family can grow into and that Olivia can learn all kinds of fun things.

This is our new kitchen before we moved in. The paint made a huge difference.

This is Todd and I's bathroom. We put the floor in all by ourselves.
Olivia's new room the day we moved in. It looks much better now.

Poor baby girl she was so tired after the moving that lasted all day!

Olivia loved playing in the boxes when we moved in.

The first video is of Olivia when she first started standing with the assistance of the piano.

This is on my birthday when she was showing us that she loves music and she is a great dancer too.

I am so blessed to have a Mom who loves my little girl so much that she is constantly going up into the attic to find old and exciting toys for Olivia to play with like this keyboard that my brothers and I used to play with.

I just love bath time and all the fun she has in there.

This is video of her trying to climb the stairs with help from Mommy and Daddy. She was a little fussy because she had a cold.

Watch Olivia and Clara playing on the doggie Watch her cruise in this video.


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