Thursday, September 25, 2008

We moved!!!!

This is our new home. We will be focusing on the outside of this house next spring. We did paint the entire house with the exception of two rooms. We will post more later.
The date on this picture is not correct of course. This is her enjoying bath time this past Tuesday night. She is looking at her daddy who had just walked in the room.

Todd and I have a new nephew his name is Bob! Here he is with his proud papa.
Here are the proud parents showing him off and Olivia is not impressed because she would much rather be sleeping in this photo.
Olivia loves her Daddy!
Todd is posing with Olivia, Grandma Hedges and Aunt Holly we were showing them our new home.
Olivia and Holly hanging out on our deck of the new house.

Todd's aunt Katy and cousin Holly came to visit and meet Olivia for the first time. We went to Red Robin for dinner.
My uncle Tom got married to now aunt Terri. It was a beautiful day!
I love this picture of Malik and Dane in the background. Olivia looks like she is trying to get someone's attention.
Olivia is now trying to get to Malik.
Uncle Josh came to visit for an entire week and watched Olivia 3 out of the 5 work days. They had a great time bonding. I love this picture!

Sorry it has been so long for a post, but our world has been consumed with getting our new home ready to move in. We officially moved to Plainfield on Saturday. We are so thrilled and the house is looking so great. I will send updated photos of our house later since it is terribly late and I need to get some rest. Here are some pictures to hold you over for a while. Enjoy the two videos as well. Oh did I mention that our big girl is now 8 months old (6 teeth and trying to cut more, sitting up like a pro, pulling up to her knees, doing a crawl with her head down on the floor and loving to play tickle games and giggle.) Her most recent stunt is pulling up on things including all of us. I will send more pictures and videos later. I weighed her a week ago and she was 17 1/2 pounds.

Olivia loves to play peek a boo and she loves to use her own clothes for props!

This is of our little sleepy head. Waking Olivia up in the morning is one of my most favorite times. She is always smiley and seems so disoriented. I can't help but giggle as she tries to open her eyes.

1 comment:

jeff, monica, blythe and eve said...

your daughter is too cute....but i will say what made me smile the biggest was your stinking cute giggle, amy. i forgot how cute it is, quite sentimental to me. love you...