Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our baby is 7 months!

Introducing Ethan Alexander Shafer! 5 lbs. 5 oz born 8/8/08
Look how adorable he is!!!
Ethan is my cousin Amber's baby boy!
Todd and I couldn't get over how tiny he was in comparison to how Olivia was when she was born.
Amber's husband Eli held Olivia while we were playing with Ethan.
Here is the beautiful mother! She is simply glowing!!

Olivia loves to chew on everything, but especially her rubber ducky when she is in the bath.
She loves to splash when taking a bath.
Isn't she adorable!
This was taken Tuesday morning before she went to the sitter. By the way she cries every day that I leave her at the sitter. She stops after I leave, but man it tugs on my heart strings.
Look how sleepy she is! By the way this cute Pooh outfit was given to us by the David family!

Olivia is 7 months old now and she is doing great! She actually has a little bit of a cold or something. Her little nose is so stuffy. It could just be part of her teething. She is cutting her 6th tooth right now. She is so funny because she will sit there and just make this constant noise. It sounds like she is singing (off tune) but she does it often. She actually is able to put herself into a sitting position now which we made a huge deal about. (Of course) She loves to laugh and be silly. I am just sending a few pictures of her taking a bath and also just some morning pictures of our sweetie! I also wanted to introduce her new third cousin. I hope that you are all doing well. We'll be sending more pictures soon! Within the next couple of weeks we will be posting pictures and talking about where our family will be headed. Stay tuned!

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